College Football 1945
Ranking of Teams Within College Division

Sorensen's Rankings - Fri Jan 24 14:36:59 2025

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Division Level: 0
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		                     Record    Record 
   No   Team                       Division     Total          Division CWDR

    1   Army                        9- 0-0    9- 0-0       1   8950
    2   Fort Benning                1- 0-0    1- 0-0       2   7539
    3   Navy                        7- 1-1    7- 1-1       3   7175
    4   Alabama                    10- 0-0   10- 0-0       4   6565
    5   Michigan                    7- 3-0    7- 3-0       5   6449

    6   Indiana                     9- 0-1    9- 0-1       6   6227
    7   Notre Dame                  7- 2-1    7- 2-1       7   5328
    8   Ohio State                  7- 2-0    7- 2-0       8   5286
    9   Melville PT Boats           0- 1-0    0- 1-0       9   5282
   10   Pennsylvania                6- 2-0    6- 2-0      10   5239

   11   Duke                        6- 2-0    6- 2-0      11   5211
   12   Tennessee                   8- 1-0    8- 1-0      12   5210
   13   Louisville Field            0- 1-0    0- 1-0      13   5135
   14   Corpus Christ NAS           2- 0-0    2- 0-0      14   5119
   15   Purdue                      7- 3-0    7- 3-0      15   4980

   16   Georgia                     9- 2-0    9- 2-0      16   4973
   17   Louisiana State             7- 2-0    7- 2-0      17   4876
   18   Great Lakes                 6- 3-1    6- 3-1      18   4800
   19   US Amphibians               1- 0-0    1- 0-0      19   4426
   20   Oklahoma State              9- 0-0    9- 0-0      20   4407

   21   Miami FL                    9- 1-1    9- 1-1      21   4311
   22   Northwestern                4- 4-1    4- 4-1      22   4244
   23   Texas                      10- 1-0   10- 1-0      23   4022
   24   Wake Forest                 5- 3-1    5- 3-1      24   3802
   25   Wisconsin                   3- 4-2    3- 4-2      25   3662

   26   Columbia                    8- 1-0    8- 1-0      26   3499
   27   Minnesota                   4- 5-0    4- 5-0      27   3267
   28   Mississippi State           6- 3-0    6- 3-0      28   3208
   29   Holy Cross                  8- 2-0    8- 2-0      29   3196
   30   Clemson                     6- 3-1    6- 3-1      30   3173

   31   Michigan State              5- 3-1    5- 3-1      31   3009
   32   Illinois                    2- 6-1    2- 6-1      32   2977
   33   Keesler Field               0- 1-0    0- 1-0      33   2930
   34   San Diego Marines           1- 1-0    1- 1-0      34   2929
   35   Georgia Tech                4- 6-0    4- 6-0      35   2885

   36   Villanova                   4- 4-0    4- 4-0      36   2869
   37   Tulsa                       8- 3-0    8- 3-0      37   2699
   38   Southern California         7- 4-0    7- 4-0      38   2688
   39   St. Mary's CA               7- 2-0    7- 2-0      39   2636
   40   North Carolina              5- 5-0    5- 5-0      40   2556

   41   Maxwell Field               1- 1-0    1- 1-0      41   2497
   42   Fort Bragg                  1- 0-0    1- 0-0      42   2469
   43   Cornell College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      43   2466
   44   Tennessee Chattanooga       5- 3-0    5- 3-0      44   2436
   45   Texas A&M                   6- 4-0    6- 4-0      45   2427

   46   Missouri                    6- 4-0    6- 4-0      46   2250
   47   Penn State                  5- 3-0    5- 3-0      47   2235
   48   South Carolina              2- 4-3    2- 4-3      48   2138
   49   Temple                      7- 1-0    7- 1-0      49   2113
   50   Southern Methodist          5- 6-0    5- 6-0      50   2093

   51   Marquette                   5- 4-1    5- 4-1      51   2045
   52   Rice                        5- 6-0    5- 6-0      52   2040
   53   Yale                        6- 3-0    6- 3-0      53   2037
   54   William & Mary              6- 3-0    6- 3-0      54   2019
   55   Washington                  6- 3-0    6- 3-0      55   1984

   56   UCLA                        5- 4-0    5- 4-0      56   1939
   57   Washington State            6- 2-1    6- 2-1      57   1799
   58   Pensacola NAS               0- 2-0    0- 2-0      58   1777
   59   Ohio University             1- 0-0    1- 0-0      59   1689
   60   Pittsburgh                  3- 7-0    3- 7-0      60   1642

   61   Virginia                    7- 2-0    7- 2-0      61   1586
   62   Miami OH                    0- 2-0    0- 2-0      62   1586
   63   Auburn                      5- 5-0    5- 5-0      63   1550
   64   Cornell                     5- 4-0    5- 4-0      64   1549
   65   Texas Christian             5- 5-0    5- 5-0      65   1458

   66   California                  4- 5-1    4- 5-1      66   1380
   67   Oklahoma                    5- 5-0    5- 5-0      67   1367
   68   Bergstrom Field             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      68   1349
   69   Maryland                    6- 2-1    6- 2-1      69   1308
   70   Tulane                      2- 6-1    2- 6-1      70   1284

   71   Bogue Field                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0      71   1220
   72   Baylor                      5- 5-1    5- 5-1      72   1156
   73   Catawba College             2- 1-0    2- 1-0      73   1121
   74   Newberry College            1- 0-0    1- 0-0      74   1112
   75   North Carolina State        3- 6-0    3- 6-0      75   1077

   76   Mississippi                 4- 5-0    4- 5-0      76   1054
   77   Vanderbilt                  3- 6-0    3- 6-0      77   1047
   78   Iowa                        2- 7-0    2- 7-0      78   1043
   79   Florida                     4- 5-1    4- 5-1      79   1021
   80   Western Michigan            0- 1-0    0- 1-0      80    916

   81   Fort Warren                 2- 2-0    2- 2-0      81    906
   82   Saint Mary's Pre-Flight     1- 2-0    1- 2-0      82    885
   83   Texas Tech                  3- 5-2    3- 5-2      83    871
   84   Brown                       3- 4-1    3- 4-1      84    833
   85   Princeton                   2- 3-2    2- 3-2      85    813

   86   Oregon State                4- 4-1    4- 4-1      86    743
   87   Camp Beale                  0- 0-1    0- 0-1      87    743
   88   Detroit                     6- 3-0    6- 3-0      88    689
   89   Virginia Military           5- 4-0    5- 4-0      89    650
   90   Farragut Navy               2- 0-0    2- 0-0      90    555

   91   Arkansas                    3- 7-0    3- 7-0      91    554
   92   Dartmouth                   1- 6-1    1- 6-1      92    529
   93   Iowa State                  4- 3-1    4- 3-1      93    525
   94   Tufts University            2- 1-0    2- 1-0      94    460
   95   US Sub Base                 1- 2-0    1- 2-0      95    388

   96   Nebraska                    4- 5-0    4- 5-0      96    315
   97   Colgate                     3- 4-1    3- 4-1      97    257
   98   New Mexico                  6- 1-1    6- 1-1      98    233
   99   Harvard                     5- 3-0    5- 3-0      99    214
  100   Amarillo Field              1- 0-0    1- 0-0     100    180

  101   Oregon                      3- 6-0    3- 6-0     101    138
  102   Murray State                0- 2-0    0- 2-0     102    125
  103   Cherry Point Marines        0- 1-0    0- 1-0     103     45
  104   Kentucky                    2- 8-0    2- 8-0     104    -10
  105   _Unknown Team               1- 0-0    1- 0-0     105    -54

  106   Southwestern (Texas)        1- 3-0    1- 3-0     106    -84
  107   Nevada Reno                 1- 3-0    1- 3-0     107   -375
  108   Kansas                      4- 5-1    4- 5-1     108   -420
  109   Virginia Tech               2- 6-0    2- 6-0     109   -512
  110   Camp Lee                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     110   -654

  111   Merchant Marine             5- 3-0    5- 3-0     111   -685
  112   Hondo Field                 0- 2-0    0- 2-0     112   -699
  113   Colorado                    5- 3-0    5- 3-0     113   -700
  114   Northwestern State LA       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     114   -749
  115   Rutgers                     2- 1-0    2- 1-0     115   -876

  116   Syracuse                    1- 6-0    1- 6-0     116   -889
  117   Cincinnati                  1- 2-0    1- 2-0     117   -890
  118   Utah                        4- 4-0    4- 4-0     118   -900
  119   Bucknell                    2- 5-0    2- 5-0     119   -952
  120   Camp Blanding               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     120  -1023

  121   Berg AAF                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     121  -1063
  122   Stockton Army               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     122  -1093
  123   Denver                      4- 5-1    4- 5-1     123  -1095
  124   Drake                       5- 4-1    5- 4-1     124  -1259
  125   McClellan Field             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     125  -1332

  126   Presbyterian                1- 6-0    1- 6-0     126  -1413
  127   Boston College              3- 4-0    3- 4-0     127  -1487
  128   Muhlenberg College          0- 1-0    0- 1-0     128  -1507
  129   Wayne State MI              0- 2-0    0- 2-0     129  -1510
  130   Rensselaer                  1- 1-0    1- 1-0     130  -1516

  131   Ellington Field             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     131  -1531
  132   Tennessee Tech              0- 2-0    0- 2-0     132  -1535
  133   Pacific                     0- 3-0    0- 3-0     133  -1542
  134   Samford                     0- 3-0    0- 3-0     134  -1570
  135   Washburn University         1- 1-0    1- 1-0     135  -1741

  136   Louisiana Tech              0- 2-0    0- 2-0     136  -1764
  137   West Virginia               2- 6-1    2- 6-1     137  -1773
  138   Lackland Field              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     138  -1855
  139   Saint Louis                 5- 4-0    5- 4-0     139  -1896
  140   Olathe Navy                 1- 1-0    1- 1-0     140  -1934

  141   Louisiana Lafayette         0- 3-0    0- 3-0     141  -2016
  142   Rochester                   1- 2-0    1- 2-0     142  -2137
  143   Richmond                    2- 6-0    2- 6-0     143  -2151
  144   Barksdale AFB               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     144  -2157
  145   Colorado College            4- 3-1    4- 3-1     145  -2261

  146   Fresno State                0- 2-0    0- 2-0     146  -2279
  147   Idaho                       1- 7-0    1- 7-0     147  -2361
  148   West Texas A&M              2- 6-0    2- 6-0     148  -2497
  149   Milligan                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     149  -2515
  150   Kansas State                1- 7-0    1- 7-0     150  -2616

  151   Lafayette                   1- 7-1    1- 7-1     151  -2647
  152   63rd Infantry               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     152  -2689
  153   Blackland Field             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     153  -2735
  155   Coast Guard                 0- 7-1    0- 7-1     155  -2765

  156   Alma College                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     156  -3125
  157   Utah State                  4- 3-0    4- 3-0     157  -3156
  158   Emory & Henry College       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     158  -3216
  159   South Dakota                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     159  -3639
  160   Lubbock Field               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     160  -3650

  161   Scranton                    0- 3-1    0- 3-1     161  -3739
  162   New York University         3- 4-0    3- 4-0     162  -3747
  163   Boston University           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     163  -3758
  164   Oceana NAS                  0- 2-0    0- 2-0     164  -3934
  165   Colorado State              2- 5-1    2- 5-1     165  -4021

  166   Ursinus College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     166  -4090
  167   Northern Iowa               0- 2-0    0- 2-0     167  -4117
  168   Camp McColl                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0     168  -4287
  169   Guilford College            0- 2-0    0- 2-0     169  -4469
  170   Squantum NAS                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     170  -4921

  171   South Dakota State          0- 1-0    0- 1-0     171  -5097
  172   Eastern New Mexico          0- 2-0    0- 2-0     172  -5152
  173   Fort Riley                  0- 2-0    0- 2-0     173  -5284
  174   Otterbein College           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     174  -5454
  175   Kearney Field               0- 2-0    0- 2-0     175  -5540

  176   Brooklyn                    0- 2-0    0- 2-0     176  -5620
  177   Illinois Wesleyan           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     177  -5643
  178   Drexel                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     178  -5678
  179   Missouri Rolla              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     179  -5712
  180   Kirksville                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     180  -5827

  181   Herington Field             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     181  -5989
  182   Dalhart Field               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     182  -6132
  183   Pittsburg State             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     183  -6325
  184   Central Missouri            0- 1-0    0- 1-0     184  -6460
  185   Montana                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     185  -6480

  186   Lehigh                      0- 2-0    0- 2-0     186  -6638
  187   Doane College               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     187  -6700
  188   Northern Colorado           0- 3-0    0- 3-0     188  -6838
  189   Idaho Marines               0- 2-0    0- 2-0     189  -7094
  190   City College of New York    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     190  -7680