College Football 1921
Ranking of Teams Within College Division

Sorensen's Rankings - Fri Jan 24 14:36:21 2025

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Division Level: 0
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		                     Record    Record 
   No   Team                       Division     Total          Division CWDR

    1   Oberlin College             1- 0-0    1- 0-0       1   9557
    2   California                  9- 0-1    9- 0-1       2   8055
    3   Ohio State                  5- 2-0    5- 2-0       3   7379
    4   Iowa                        7- 0-0    7- 0-0       4   7148
    5   University of Chicago       6- 1-0    6- 1-0       5   6900

    6   Pacific Fleet               1- 1-0    1- 1-0       6   6715
    7   Michigan                    5- 1-1    5- 1-1       7   6522
    8   Wisconsin                   5- 1-1    5- 1-1       8   6483
    9   Washington and Jefferson   10- 0-1   10- 0-1       9   6454
   10   Wabash College              1- 0-0    1- 0-0      10   6378

   11   Southern California         2- 1-0    2- 1-0      11   6354
   12   Lafayette                   9- 0-0    9- 0-0      12   6342
   13   Notre Dame                 10- 1-0   10- 1-0      13   6069
   14   Nevada Reno                 2- 1-1    2- 1-1      14   5697
   15   Penn State                  8- 0-2    8- 0-2      15   5595

   16   Nebraska                    7- 1-0    7- 1-0      16   5491
   17   Navy                        6- 1-0    6- 1-0      17   5251
   18   Beloit College              1- 0-0    1- 0-0      18   5101
   19   Illinois                    3- 4-0    3- 4-0      19   5031
   20   Stanford                    4- 2-2    4- 2-2      20   4942

   21   Yale                        8- 1-0    8- 1-0      21   4869
   22   Cornell                     8- 0-0    8- 0-0      22   4740
   23   Washington State            4- 2-1    4- 2-1      23   4636
   24   Pittsburgh                  5- 3-1    5- 3-1      24   4589
   25   Harvard                     7- 2-1    7- 2-1      25   4307

   26   Syracuse                    7- 2-0    7- 2-0      26   4218
   27   Creighton                   2- 0-0    2- 0-0      27   4164
   28   Carlstrom Field             1- 0-0    1- 0-0      28   4079
   29   Minnesota                   3- 4-0    3- 4-0      29   4066
   30   Muhlenberg College          1- 1-0    1- 1-0      30   4029

   31   Princeton                   4- 3-0    4- 3-0      31   4026
   32   Oregon                      5- 1-3    5- 1-3      32   3678
   33   Ohio Wesleyan               0- 1-0    0- 1-0      33   3617
   34   Saint John's (Maryland)     1- 0-0    1- 0-0      34   3595
   35   Knox College                0- 1-0    0- 1-0      35   3542

   36   Utah State                  7- 1-0    7- 1-0      36   3503
   37   Lehigh                      4- 4-0    4- 4-0      37   3448
   38   St. Mary's CA               0- 2-0    0- 2-0      38   3429
   39   Centre College             10- 1-0   10- 1-0      39   3421
   40   Vanderbilt                  7- 0-1    7- 0-1      40   3418

   41   Oregon State                4- 3-2    4- 3-2      41   3370
   42   Boston College              1- 0-0    1- 0-0      42   3322
   43   Colorado                    4- 1-1    4- 1-1      43   3260
   44   Missouri                    6- 2-0    6- 2-0      44   3247
   45   Carnegie Mellon             1- 2-0    1- 2-0      45   3242

   46   Dartmouth                   6- 2-1    6- 2-1      46   3183
   47   Olympic Club                0- 2-0    0- 2-0      47   3071
   48   Purdue                      1- 6-0    1- 6-0      48   3067
   49   Georgia Tech                8- 1-0    8- 1-0      49   3041
   50   Indiana                     3- 4-0    3- 4-0      50   3020

   51   South Dakota State          0- 1-0    0- 1-0      51   2973
   52   Fordham                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0      52   2957
   53   Marquette                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0      53   2940
   54   Westminster PA              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      54   2891
   55   Utah                        3- 2-1    3- 2-1      55   2853

   56   Washington                  3- 4-1    3- 4-1      56   2803
   57   Lawrence University         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      57   2721
   58   Bucknell                    0- 3-1    0- 3-1      58   2662
   59   West Virginia               5- 4-1    5- 4-1      59   2649
   60   Georgia                     7- 2-1    7- 2-1      60   2645

   61   Oklahoma                    5- 3-0    5- 3-0      61   2632
   62   Mount Union College         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      62   2605
   63   Dickinson College           0- 1-0    0- 1-0      63   2596
   64   Case Western Reserve        0- 1-0    0- 1-0      64   2541
   65   Detroit                     1- 1-0    1- 1-0      65   2463

   66   Kansas                      4- 3-0    4- 3-0      66   2453
   67   Pennsylvania                4- 3-2    4- 3-2      67   2439
   68   Michigan State              0- 2-0    0- 2-0      68   2429
   69   Kansas State                5- 3-0    5- 3-0      69   2410
   71   Bethany WV                  0- 2-0    0- 2-0      71   2290
   72   Williams College            1- 1-0    1- 1-0      72   2214
   73   Brown                       5- 3-1    5- 3-1      73   2147
   74   Army                        0- 3-0    0- 3-0      74   2144
   75   Haskell Indian Nation       1- 2-0    1- 2-0      75   2079

   76   Iowa State                  4- 4-0    4- 4-0      76   2005
   77   Multnomah Agricultural      0- 1-1    0- 1-1      77   1967
   78   Amherst College             1- 0-0    1- 0-0      78   1913
   79   Idaho                       4- 3-1    4- 3-1      79   1883
   80   Northwestern                1- 6-0    1- 6-0      80   1856

   81   DePauw University           0- 2-0    0- 2-0      81   1846
   82   Springfield College         0- 1-1    0- 1-1      82   1731
   83   Swarthmore College          0- 1-1    0- 1-1      83   1689
   84   Tennessee                   6- 2-1    6- 2-1      84   1533
   85   Rutgers                     4- 5-0    4- 5-0      85   1452

   87   Texas                       6- 1-1    6- 1-1      87   1291
   88   Denver                      4- 2-1    4- 2-1      88   1266
   89   Texas A&M                   6- 1-2    6- 1-2      89   1261
   90   Holy Cross                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      90   1200

   91   Drake                       5- 2-0    5- 2-0      91   1174
   92   Colorado State              2- 3-1    2- 3-1      92   1171
   93   Bates College               0- 1-0    0- 1-0      93   1108
   94   South Dakota                0- 1-0    0- 1-0      94   1079
   96   North Carolina              5- 2-2    5- 2-2      96   1031
   98   Boston University           0- 1-0    0- 1-0      98    964
   99   Washington MO               4- 3-1    4- 3-1      99    932
  100   Maryland                    3- 5-1    3- 5-1     100    882

  101   Sewanee                     6- 2-0    6- 2-0     101    859
  102   Furman                      7- 2-1    7- 2-1     102    853
  103   Geneva                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     103    827
  104   McGill                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     104    785
  105   Colgate                     4- 4-2    4- 4-2     105    687

  106   Virginia Tech               7- 3-0    7- 3-0     106    656
  107   Auburn                      5- 3-0    5- 3-0     107    626
  108   West Virginia Wesleyan      0- 2-0    0- 2-0     108    605
  109   Lebanon Valley College      0- 2-0    0- 2-0     109    604
  110   Kalamazoo College           0- 2-0    0- 2-0     110    603

  111   South Carolina              5- 1-2    5- 1-2     111    556
  112   Pacific (Oregon)            0- 1-0    0- 1-0     112    549
  113   Ohio University             1- 2-0    1- 2-0     113    530
  114   Washington & Lee            6- 3-0    6- 3-0     114    503
  115   Florida                     6- 3-2    6- 3-2     115    489

  116   Gettysburg College          0- 2-0    0- 2-0     116    478
  117   North Dakota                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     117    475
  118   Montana Tech                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     118    397
  119   Hobart College              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     119    370
  120   Virginia                    5- 4-0    5- 4-0     120    348

  121   North Carolina State        3- 3-3    3- 3-3     121    329
  122   Delaware                    0- 2-0    0- 2-0     122    308
  123   Cincinnati                  0- 2-0    0- 2-0     123    306
  124   Ogden Agricultural          0- 1-0    0- 1-0     124    220
  125   Central Oklahoma            1- 1-0    1- 1-0     125    219

  126   Saint Louis                 0- 1-1    0- 1-1     126    212
  127   Willamette Oregon           0- 2-0    0- 2-0     127    184
  128   Middlebury College          0- 2-0    0- 2-0     128    173
  129   Oklahoma State              5- 4-1    5- 4-1     129    163
  130   Louisiana State             6- 1-1    6- 1-1     130    159

  131   Colorado College            4- 4-0    4- 4-0     131    123
  132   Coe College                 1- 1-0    1- 1-0     132    120
  133   Baylor                      8- 3-0    8- 3-0     133    110
  134   Montana State               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     134     61
  135   Pearl Harbor                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     135     31

  136   Wyoming                     1- 4-2    1- 4-2     136    -19
  137   Saint Xavier                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     137    -20
  138   Kentucky                    4- 3-1    4- 3-1     138    -43
  139   Emporia State               0- 1-1    0- 1-1     139    -60
  140   Georgetown                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     140    -87

  141   Saint Bonaventure           0- 2-1    0- 2-1     141   -106
  142   Albertson                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0     142   -109
  143   Hawaii                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     143   -254
  144   Gonzaga                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     144   -295
  145   Colorado School of Mines    1- 5-0    1- 5-0     145   -338

  146   Columbia                    2- 6-0    2- 6-0     146   -379
  147   Middle Tennessee            0- 1-0    0- 1-0     147   -419
  148   Havana                      1- 0-0    1- 0-0     148   -430
  149   Nebraska Wesleyan           0- 2-0    0- 2-0     149   -440
  150   Colby College               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     150   -446

  151   Duke                        2- 0-0    2- 0-0     151   -490
  152   Rooks                       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     152   -501
  153   New Hampshire               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     153   -510
  154   Norwich                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0     154   -530
  155   Tennessee Doctor's          1- 0-0    1- 0-0     155   -575

  157   Chemawa                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0     157   -613
  158   Maryville College           1- 1-0    1- 1-0     158   -637
  159   Tulane                      4- 6-0    4- 6-0     159   -673
  160   Erskine                     6- 2-0    6- 2-0     160   -777

  161   Arizona                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     161   -796
  162   Virginia Military           3- 5-1    3- 5-1     162   -883
  163   9th Army Corps              0- 2-0    0- 2-0     163   -893
  164   Mississippi College         7- 2-1    7- 2-1     164   -895
  165   Franklin College            0- 1-0    0- 1-0     165   -911

  166   Texas State                 1- 0-0    1- 0-0     166   -915
  167   Oglethorpe                  5- 4-0    5- 4-0     167   -939
  168   Alabama                     5- 4-2    5- 4-2     168   -971
  169   Rhode Island                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     169  -1063
  170   Montana                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     170  -1137

  171   Franklin & Marshall         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     171  -1173
  172   Texas Christian             6- 3-1    6- 3-1     172  -1199
  173   Rice                        4- 4-1    4- 4-1     173  -1232
  174   Rochester                   0- 2-0    0- 2-0     174  -1345
  175   Mississippi State           4- 4-1    4- 4-1     175  -1373

  176   Susquehanna                 0- 2-0    0- 2-0     176  -1413
  177   Arkansas                    5- 3-1    5- 3-1     177  -1463
  178   Richmond                    4- 3-1    4- 3-1     178  -1494
  179   Hampden-Sydney College      2- 2-0    2- 2-0     179  -1511
  180   Grinnell College            2- 5-0    2- 5-0     180  -1516

  181   Fort Benning                2- 3-0    2- 3-0     181  -1586
  182   New York University         0- 3-1    0- 3-1     182  -1586
  183   Tulsa                       1- 1-0    1- 1-0     183  -1628
  184   Clemson                     1- 6-2    1- 6-2     184  -1659
  185   Austin College              2- 2-0    2- 2-0     185  -1745

  186   Davidson                    3- 4-3    3- 4-3     186  -1880
  187   Mercer                      3- 6-0    3- 6-0     187  -1928
  188   DePaul                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     188  -1981
  189   Rollins                     1- 1-0    1- 1-0     189  -2104
  190   Morningside                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0     190  -2105

  191   Washburn University         0- 2-0    0- 2-0     191  -2144
  192   Phillips                    3- 4-2    3- 4-2     192  -2164
  193   Citadel                     3- 3-2    3- 3-2     193  -2252
  194   Ursinus College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     194  -2374
  195   Fort Hays State             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     195  -2400

  196   Missouri Rolla              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     196  -2410
  197   Newberry College            3- 3-1    3- 3-1     197  -2413
  198   Saint Edward's              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     198  -2535
  199   John Hopkins                0- 2-0    0- 2-0     199  -2568
  200   Hardin-Simmons              1- 2-0    1- 2-0     200  -2615

  201   William & Mary              1- 2-0    1- 2-0     201  -2666
  202   William Penn College        0- 1-0    0- 1-0     202  -2730
  203   Emory & Henry College       0- 2-0    0- 2-0     203  -2736
  204   Allegheny College           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     204  -2774
  205   Howard Payne                1- 3-0    1- 3-0     205  -2842

  206   Cumberland TN               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     206  -2870
  207   Morris Harvey               0- 2-0    0- 2-0     207  -3080
  208   New Mexico                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     208  -3121
  209   Grand Island                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     209  -3230
  210   Spring Hill                 4- 4-0    4- 4-0     210  -3298

  211   Tennessee Chattanooga       4- 6-0    4- 6-0     211  -3380
  212   Wake Forest                 2- 8-0    2- 8-0     212  -3389
  213   George Washington           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     213  -3413
  214   Southern Methodist          1- 6-1    1- 6-1     214  -3491
  215   Wesleyan University         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     215  -3539

  216   Cornell College             0- 2-0    0- 2-0     216  -3546
  217   Roanoke                     0- 3-0    0- 3-0     217  -3646
  218   Tarleton                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     218  -3737
  219   Marshall                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0     219  -3804
  220   Northwestern State LA       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     220  -3832

  221   Catholic University         0- 2-0    0- 2-0     221  -3839
  222   Mississippi                 3- 6-0    3- 6-0     222  -3892
  223   Birmingham Southern         4- 4-1    4- 4-1     223  -4007
  224   Kentucky Wesleyan           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     224  -4027
  225   Randolph Macon College      0- 3-0    0- 3-0     225  -4074

  226   Southwestern (Texas)        0- 6-1    0- 6-1     226  -4257
  227   Trinity University TX       0- 2-0    0- 2-0     227  -4376
  228   Presbyterian                1- 7-0    1- 7-0     228  -4429
  229   Kirksville                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     229  -4444
  230   Samford                     3- 6-0    3- 6-0     230  -4573

  232   Southwestern Oklahoma State 0- 2-0    0- 2-0     232  -4744
  233   Dahlonega                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0     233  -4806
  234   Louisiana College           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     234  -4880
  235   Ouachita                    0- 2-0    0- 2-0     235  -4901

  236   West Texas A&M              0- 1-0    0- 1-0     236  -4989
  237   Wofford                     2- 7-0    2- 7-0     237  -5155
  238   Louisiana Lafayette         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     238  -5191
  239   Hendrix                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0     239  -5224
  240   Bryson                      0- 3-0    0- 3-0     240  -5244

  241   Stetson                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     241  -5340
  242   Drury                       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     242  -5354
  243   Simpson College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0     243  -5364
  244   Charleston Southern         0- 2-0    0- 2-0     244  -5559
  245   Georgetown College KY       0- 2-0    0- 2-0     245  -5615

  246   Kingfisher                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     246  -5845
  247   Parris Island Marines       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     247  -6119
  248   Millsaps College            0- 3-1    0- 3-1     248  -6308
  249   Loyola (New Orleans)        0- 1-0    0- 1-0     249  -6683
  250   Athens                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     250  -6993

  251   Marion                      0- 4-0    0- 4-0     251  -7037
  252   Elon                        0- 2-0    0- 2-0     252  -7090
  253   Guilford College            0- 1-0    0- 1-0     253  -7151
  254   Jefferson (Texas)           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     254  -7219
  255   Southwestern (TN)           0- 2-0    0- 2-0     255  -7702

  256   Memphis                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0     256  -7886
  257   Jacksonville State          0- 1-0    0- 1-0     257  -8209
  258   North Georgia Agricultural  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     258  -8811