College Football 1901
Ranking of Teams Within College Division

Sorensen's Rankings - Fri Jan 24 14:36:02 2025

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Division Level: 0
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		                     Record    Record 
   No   Team                       Division     Total          Division CWDR

    1   Syracuse All-Stars          1- 0-0    1- 0-0       1   6850
    2   Philadelphia Agricultural   1- 0-0    1- 0-0       2   6659
    3   Homestead Agricultural      3- 0-0    3- 0-0       3   5863
    4   Harvard                    12- 0-0   12- 0-0       4   5462
    5   Michigan                   11- 0-0   11- 0-0       5   4818

    6   Minnesota                   9- 1-1    9- 1-1       6   4810
    7   Minneapolis Central High    0- 0-1    0- 0-1       7   4810
    8   Yale                       11- 1-1   11- 1-1       8   4430
    9   Wisconsin                   9- 0-0    9- 0-0       9   4254
   10   Army                        5- 1-2    5- 1-2      10   4177

   11   Princeton                   9- 1-1    9- 1-1      11   3784
   12   Cornell                    11- 1-0   11- 1-0      12   3763
   13   Syracuse                    7- 2-0    7- 2-0      13   3639
   14   Dartmouth                   9- 1-0    9- 1-0      14   3552
   15   Illinois                    8- 2-0    8- 2-0      15   3163

   16   Buffalo                     2- 1-0    2- 1-0      16   3118
   17   Massachusetts               8- 1-0    8- 1-0      17   3031
   18   Lafayette                   9- 3-0    9- 3-0      18   2983
   19   Northwestern                8- 2-1    8- 2-1      19   2828
   20   Columbia                    8- 5-0    8- 5-0      20   2743

   21   Notre Dame                  8- 1-1    8- 1-1      21   2687
   22   Holy Cross                  7- 1-1    7- 1-1      22   2492
   23   Pennsylvania               10- 5-0   10- 5-0      23   2428
   24   Williams College            3- 4-0    3- 4-0      24   2311
   25   Nebraska                    6- 2-0    6- 2-0      25   2007

   26   Penn State                  5- 3-0    5- 3-0      26   1968
   27   Simpson College             3- 0-0    3- 0-0      27   1961
   28   Navy                        6- 4-1    6- 4-1      28   1873
   29   Iowa                        6- 3-0    6- 3-0      29   1606
   30   North Dakota State          0- 1-0    0- 1-0      30   1467

   31   Tufts University            6- 6-1    6- 6-1      31   1295
   32   Newburyport Agricultural    0- 0-1    0- 0-1      32   1295
   33   Saint Paul Central High     0- 1-0    0- 1-0      33   1293
   34   Brown                       4- 7-1    4- 7-1      34   1181
   35   Georgetown                  1- 1-1    1- 1-1      35   1156

   36   South Bend Agricultural     0- 1-1    0- 1-1      36   1065
   37   Chicago College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      37   1064
   38   Grinnell College            3- 1-1    3- 1-1      38   1059
   39   Carleton College            0- 1-0    0- 1-0      39    962
   40   Haskell Indian Nation       2- 2-0    2- 2-0      40    957

   41   Indiana                     6- 3-0    6- 3-0      41    952
   42   Washington and Jefferson    1- 1-1    1- 1-1      42    895
   43   Stanford                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      43    876
   44   Albion College              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      44    872
   45   Amherst College             1- 5-0    1- 5-0      45    871

   46   Vermont                     2- 4-1    2- 4-1      46    813
   47   Wesleyan University         3- 6-1    3- 6-1      47    797
   48   Middlebury College          1- 1-0    1- 1-0      48    708
   49   University of Chicago       5- 5-2    5- 5-2      49    683
   50   Beloit College              6- 3-3    6- 3-3      50    581

   51   Maine                       1- 1-0    1- 1-0      51    533
   52   Carlisle                    5- 7-1    5- 7-1      52    397
   53   Colby College               1- 1-0    1- 1-0      53    358
   54   Andover                     1- 1-0    1- 1-0      54    337
   55   Purdue                      4- 4-1    4- 4-1      55    326

   56   Hyde Park High              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      56    278
   57   Bucknell                    6- 4-0    6- 4-0      57    202
   58   Bates College               1- 3-0    1- 3-0      58    138
   59   New York University         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      59    108
   60   Ottawa  Kansas              1- 0-1    1- 0-1      60     34

   61   Orange Agricultural         0- 3-0    0- 3-0      61     15
   62   Oberlin College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      62    -12
   63   Drake                       4- 4-0    4- 4-0      63    -54
   64   Villanova                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0      64    -64
   65   Rensselaer                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      65    -90

   66   Clarkson                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      66   -107
   67   Swarthmore College          1- 1-0    1- 1-0      67   -128
   68   Franklin & Marshall         0- 2-0    0- 2-0      68   -137
   69   Rochester                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0      69   -181
   70   Cortland State              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      70   -209

   71   SMTS                        0- 1-0    0- 1-0      71   -311
   72   Bowdoin College             2- 6-0    2- 6-0      72   -367
   73   Hamilton College            0- 2-0    0- 2-0      73   -396
   74   Washington MO               0- 1-0    0- 1-0      74   -472
   75   Ohio Medical                0- 1-0    0- 1-0      75   -523

   76   Pittsfield Agricultural     0- 2-0    0- 2-0      76   -579
   77   Ohio State                  0- 2-0    0- 2-0      77   -620
   78   Colgate                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0      78   -650
   79   Worcester Tech              0- 3-0    0- 3-0      79   -668
   80   Lake Forest College         0- 2-0    0- 2-0      80   -702

   81   Englewood High              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      81   -720
   82   Gettysburg College          1- 2-0    1- 2-0      82   -736
   83   Marion Sims                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0      83   -789
   84   Fort Sheridan               0- 1-0    0- 1-0      84   -806
   85   Virginia                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      85   -810

   86   Physicians & Surgeons       0- 2-0    0- 2-0      86   -835
   87   Trinity College CT          0- 5-0    0- 5-0      87   -836
   88   Kansas                      3- 5-2    3- 5-2      88   -892
   89   Washburn University         0- 0-1    0- 0-1      89   -892
   90   Ursinus College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      90   -908

   91   North Central College       0- 1-0    0- 1-0      91   -961
   92   Manhattan                   0- 3-0    0- 3-0      92   -987
   93   MIT                         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      93   -997
   94   Rutgers                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0      94  -1002
   95   Dickinson College           0- 5-0    0- 5-0      95  -1030

   96   Chicago Medical             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      96  -1127
   97   Union College NY            0- 2-0    0- 2-0      97  -1135
   98   Susquehanna                 0- 2-0    0- 2-0      98  -1178
   99   Knox College                0- 3-0    0- 3-0      99  -1199
  100   Lehigh                      1-11-0    1-11-0     100  -1217

  101   Iowa State                  2- 6-2    2- 6-2     101  -1349
  102   Kirksville                  1- 2-0    1- 2-0     102  -1365
  103   Case Western Reserve        0- 2-0    0- 2-0     103  -1459
  104   Boston College              2- 7-0    2- 7-0     104  -1534
  105   Texas                       1- 1-0    1- 1-0     105  -1596

  106   Coe College                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0     106  -1766
  107   Doane College               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     107  -1768
  108   Milwaukee Medical           0- 3-0    0- 3-0     108  -1781
  109   Saint John's (Maryland)     0- 1-0    0- 1-0     109  -1784
  110   Pittsburgh                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     110  -1898

  111   Lombard                     0- 2-0    0- 2-0     111  -2192
  112   Missouri                    1- 6-1    1- 6-1     112  -2246
  113   Springfield College         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     113  -2274
  114   Northern Iowa               0- 2-1    0- 2-1     114  -2340
  115   Haverford                   0- 4-0    0- 4-0     115  -2356

  116   Gallaudet                   0- 1-0    0- 1-0     116  -2720
  117   Athens Agricultural         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     117  -2817
  118   LAC                         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     118  -2952
  119   Sacred Heart                0- 1-0    0- 1-0     119  -2960
  120   Illinois Wesleyan           0- 1-0    0- 1-0     120  -2972

  122   Wabash College              0- 2-0    0- 2-0     122  -2988
  123   Monmouth NJ                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0     123  -2992
  124   DePauw University           0- 2-0    0- 2-0     124  -3006
  125   Rose-Hulman                 0- 1-0    0- 1-0     125  -3011

  126   Lawrence University         0- 1-0    0- 1-0     126  -3148
  127   Franklin College            0- 2-0    0- 2-0     127  -3205
  128   Rockford YMCA               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     128  -3256
  129   Lebanon Valley College      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     129  -3364
  130   Elgin Academy               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     130  -3379

  131   New Hampshire               0- 3-0    0- 3-0     131  -3457
  132   Burlingame                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0     132  -3635
  133   Cornell College             0- 2-0    0- 2-0     133  -3652
  134   Des Moines Baptist          0- 1-0    0- 1-0     134  -3831
  135   Emporia State               0- 1-0    0- 1-0     135  -4345

  136   Exeter                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0     136  -4907
  137   Still                       0- 1-0    0- 1-0     137  -5025