College Football 1894
Ranking of Teams Within College Division

Sorensen's Rankings - Fri Jan 24 14:35:59 2025

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College Divisions

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Division Level: 0
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		                     Record    Record 
   No   Team                       Division     Total          Division CWDR

    1   Yale                       16- 0-0   16- 0-0       1   6012
    2   Pennsylvania               12- 0-0   12- 0-0       2   5826
    3   Penn State                  1- 0-0    1- 0-0       3   5541
    4   Harvard                    11- 2-0   11- 2-0       4   5230
    5   Hyde Park High              1- 0-0    1- 0-0       5   4681

    6   Princeton                   8- 2-0    8- 2-0       6   4596
    7   Navy                        1- 1-0    1- 1-0       7   3540
    8   Reliance AC                 1- 0-0    1- 0-0       8   3352
    9   Cornell                     6- 4-1    6- 4-1       9   3312
   10   Wisconsin                   5- 2-0    5- 2-0      10   3258

   11   Chicago Athletic Club       5- 3-0    5- 3-0      11   3247
   12   Brown                      10- 5-0   10- 5-0      12   3176
   13   Army                        3- 2-0    3- 2-0      13   3109
   14   Minnesota                   3- 1-0    3- 1-0      14   3009
   15   Michigan                    9- 1-1    9- 1-1      15   2830

   16   Dartmouth                   5- 4-0    5- 4-0      16   2613
   17   Purdue                      9- 1-0    9- 1-0      17   2355
   18   Williams College            1- 3-1    1- 3-1      18   2098
   19   Virginia                    0- 2-0    0- 2-0      19   2059
   20   Franklin & Marshall         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      20   1989

   21   Georgetown                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      21   1899
   22   Orange Agricultural         1- 5-0    1- 5-0      22   1596
   23   Boston AC                   1- 3-1    1- 3-1      23   1557
   24   Lafayette                   5- 6-0    5- 6-0      24   1552
   26   Lehigh                      5- 9-0    5- 9-0      26   1311
   27   Exeter                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0      27   1293
   28   Tufts University            6- 5-0    6- 5-0      28   1165
   29   Indianapolis Artillery      1- 1-0    1- 1-0      29   1059
   30   Michigan Military Academy   0- 1-1    0- 1-1      30    986

   31   Union College NY            2- 2-0    2- 2-0      31    939
   32   Trinity College CT          1- 2-0    1- 2-0      32    679
   33   Rutgers                     1- 2-0    1- 2-0      33    677
   34   Amherst College             7- 5-1    7- 5-1      34    639
   35   Crescent Athletic Club      0- 5-0    0- 5-0      35    559

   36   MIT                         1- 4-0    1- 4-0      36    159
   37   University of Chicago      14- 7-1   14- 7-1      37    140
   38   Stanford                    1- 1-0    1- 1-0      38    119
   39   Kansas                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0      39     33
   40   Oberlin College             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      40    -18

   41   Case Western Reserve        0- 1-0    0- 1-0      41    -67
   42   Grinnell College            0- 1-0    0- 1-0      42    -69
   43   Andover                     0- 3-0    0- 3-0      43   -163
   44   Illinois                    4- 3-0    4- 3-0      44   -197
   45   Iowa                        0- 1-1    0- 1-1      45   -225

   46   Albion College              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      46   -301
   47   Syracuse                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      47   -571
   48   Fort Adams                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      48   -792
   49   Indiana                     0- 1-0    0- 1-0      49   -855
   50   Beloit College              6- 3-0    6- 3-0      50   -870

   51   Bowdoin College             0- 3-0    0- 3-0      51   -958
   52   Adrian College              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      52  -1097
   53   Olivet College              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      53  -1106
   54   Swarthmore College          0- 3-0    0- 3-0      54  -1214
   55   DePauw University           0- 1-0    0- 1-0      55  -1406

   56   Butler                      0- 1-0    0- 1-0      56  -1434
   57   Carlisle                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      57  -1486
   58   Massachusetts               1- 2-0    1- 2-0      58  -1496
   59   Rush Medical                1- 2-0    1- 2-0      59  -1996
   60   North Carolina              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      60  -2005

   61   FAA                         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      61  -2046
   62   Gettysburg College          0- 1-0    0- 1-0      62  -2305
   63   Bucknell                    0- 1-0    0- 1-0      63  -2364
   64   Boston University           0- 1-0    0- 1-0      64  -2401
   65   CMTS                        0- 1-0    0- 1-0      65  -2596

   66   Wabash College              0- 2-0    0- 2-0      66  -2763
   67   Wesleyan University         0- 5-0    0- 5-0      67  -2773
   68   Rensselaer                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      68  -2876
   69   Englewood YMCA              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      69  -3000
   70   Chicago Dining Club         0- 1-0    0- 1-0      70  -3000

   71   Worcester Tech              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      71  -3122
   72   Lake Forest College         3- 4-0    3- 4-0      72  -3134
   73   Chicago AC Seconds          0- 1-0    0- 1-0      73  -3472
   74   Pastime AC                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      74  -3540
   75   Saint John's (Maryland)     0- 1-0    0- 1-0      75  -3546

   76   Prairie AC                  0- 1-0    0- 1-0      76  -3588
   77   Ripon College               0- 2-0    0- 2-0      77  -3761
   78   Manual Training             0- 1-0    0- 1-0      78  -3786
   79   Salt Lake YMCA              0- 1-0    0- 1-0      79  -3811
   80   Northwestern                1- 5-0    1- 5-0      80  -3913

   81   Armour Institute            0- 2-0    0- 2-0      81  -4659
   82   Englewood High              0- 4-0    0- 4-0      82  -4793